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This is a very small sample of data, and then it was decided not to treat it statistically. Even
though it is worth mentioning, that the best scored groups in following the instructions,
were those with the highest percentage of time in discussion periods.
The group 5 low score in following instructions was due to a misunderstanding about the
task, they tried to put both gaming tables. With a PVA regarding the task during the session,
it is probable that the collaborative process could be more attached to the task results.
This trial was meant to understand, the users' nonverbal behavior in order to model a PVA
to facilitate collaboration. In the next session, how the tutor was modeled in this same
application is presented.
3.2 Modeling the virtual tutor
The PVA model here propose, as already mentioned, aims to facilitate in time,
understanding facilitation as guiding the group process, a collaborative 3D virtual session of
a small group of participants. While they synchronously accomplish a task with an open-
ended solution that implies the manipulation of objects, through monitoring their users'
avatars NVC cues displayed during their collaborative interaction.
The experimental CVE was modified to implement the PVA and to correct some identified
problems (see section 3.1.2). To solve the abovementioned misconception about the pointing
mechanism, in this version, the arrow can be placed at some parts of the table, see Figure 6.
Then, to solve the awareness of others change of view when the user was viewing to the
workspace, the avatars were shrunk in order to show a biggest part of their faces. For the
participants to know whom to address verbally when talking, the name of the participant is
now displayed in blue letters near his/her avatar - see Figure 6. Finally, the log files now
include milliseconds in the timing.
Fig. 6. Experimental application, pointing to the table
Modeling the facilitator
The virtual facilitator has no graphical representation within the environment. Because the
PVA is not meant to give feedback but in the collaborative process, it was considered that it
might not need a body. The PVA advices are delivered via text messages posted at the
bottom of the screen in black letters -see Figure 7.
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