Environmental Engineering Reference
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Pre-Gait Theta Pattern
Post-Gait Theta Pattern
Fig. 13. Graph for Patient EO2. (Akinladejo, 2005).
9. Interpretation
Before the intervention program, using the Kaltenborn's convention, patient RB1's Range of
Motion (ROM) was 8-0-4 as against the normal values 15-0-20 (see Whittle, 2003 for normal
ranges for gait parameters). The ROM was improved to 15-0-8 after the intervention
program. This means that patient RB1 had reduced dorsiflexion and plantar flexion due to
spasticity before the intervention program but his ankle joint gained more movements after
the program.
Patient EO2's ROM was 27-0-10 before the intervention but changed to 25-0-14 (normal
values are 15-0-20). This means that his excessive dorsiflexion 27 was reduced to 25, and he
had increased plantar flexion. Excessive dorsiflexion has been linked with tibia tilt, which
presents a challenge for normal walking, hence the improvement observed in his walking skill.
10. The transfer of skill result
The transfer-of-skill observational measurements were carried out by one of the three
physical therapists that supervised the clinical trial. The patients were followed up one week
after the intervention program to observe whether the skills learnt transferred to the real
world. Patients EO2 and LP3 transferred similar skills to the natural environment. They
initially had mass movement of the limbs due to sluggish brain activity/coordination. It was
observed that these patients were able to move their ankle joints on the floor, without
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