Environmental Engineering Reference
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virtual workspace developments. It should be noted here, that these tools are replications of
2-D tools used in real world (RL) applications. Additionally, the content from these tools is
housed within the virtual world solution itself and is not generally pulled from external
resources or over the Internet. Content for slide presentations and document viewings are
often uploaded directly to the virtual world environment for viewing. The following
characteristics are anticipated from of virtual workspaces at the Involvement Stage (Stage
II vr ) of the model:
Business Environment - The environment created by virtual workspaces at Involvement
Stage of the model is characterized by manually management established workflows
and auto construction of the virtual workspace. Teaming is controlled at the
management level as well. Management ability to track resource time and activity, and
provide automated task assignment.
Collaborative Tasks - Basic collaborative tasks would include: enhanced communication
from avatar including use of non-verbal cues such as avatar position, movement and
gestures. The Involvement Stage also describes the inclusion of audio and video
collaborative features incorporated beyond basic in-world collaboration functionalities.
These may include use of voice chat, avatar body gesturing (i.e. pointing, raising hand,
laughing, etc.) and use of video streams. As with basic in-world collaborations
discussed previously, the content from background audio is housed within the virtual
world solution itself and is not generally pulled from external resources. Content from
voice chats and basic avatar action and gesturing is logged and maintained internally
within the virtual world solution.
End-users - Although most of the virtual workspace is pre-created for the end-user,
there is some capability for workspace definition by the end-users. End-users are
involved in formal and informal socializing, virtual meetings, conference calls, and
webinar type sessions.
Encompassing Technologies - At this stage, technologies would include built-in voice/text
chat capabilities. Access to social sites and user interaction. Extensive use of digital
proxy/avatar within the virtual workspace. Sharing of corporate/private
correspondence, document collaboration, and virtual social gatherings are supported.
4.7 Stage I vr - Rendering Stage
The focus at the Rendering Stage (Stage I vr ) is on creation of a shared presence and
experience with the user. The virtual workspace are designed with specific processes in
mind that are temporal or lasting for a finite period of time. The physical laws of the real
world are applicable aiding in familiarity and assimilation with spaces and business
processessupported. At this beginning stage, businesses will have encorporated visually
appealing, immersive and and systematically-generated virtual workspaces. The following
characteristics are anticipated from virtual workspaces at the Rendering Stage (Stage I vr ) of
the model:
Business Environment - The environment created by virtual workspaces at Rendering
Stage of the model is characterized by displays and exhibits, architectural design and
modeling, virtual tourism, and marketing. Predefined virtual workspaces. Most content
is static and persistent with minimal fluidity to the content of the environment.
Management has full control of virtual workspace design.
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