Environmental Engineering Reference
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intermesh and shift content and presentation between real and virtual. Both
synchronous and asynchronous collaborations are available and the virtual workspace
is able to support both persistence as well as well as streaming real-time flow of content
and environment structure.
Collaborative Tasks - From a virtual collaborative perspective this tends to substantiate
the movement notion of the ROTATOR model and a movement that flows between
virtual and real. Automated teaming and workflow events are constructed to meet
predetermined business requirements.
End-users - End-users are fully immersed within the environment with multiple sensory
inputs and outputs. End-users are able to select and real or proxy presentation (avatar)
within this virtual workspace.
Encompassing Technologies - At this stage, technologies would maximize the use and
scalability of virtual machine and cloud technologies.
4.5 Stage III vr - Transactional Stage
At the Transational State (Stage III vr ) of the model, where the user content comes from is a
critical component to the business implementation and operation. There is an increasing
demand for rich data resources found across the web so access to resouces external to the
corporate environment capabilities with the virtual workspace is becoming critical. The
following characteristics are anticipated from of virtual workspaces at stage III of the model:
Business Environment - At this stage the process of housing generated content and
information becomes more critical and should be considered by the business attempting to
integrate virtual world environmental collaborations at this level. Additionally, businesses
may be more concerned than with security of auto-generated materials, risk involved with
interactions with client, customers or professional clients for example for doctors or
lawyers with professional requirements for protection of communications and data.
Collaborative Tasks - Building a virtual workspace capable of automating the content
collection process and generating unique content for academic or business delivery is
another way business manages these environments. An example of this might be
similar to the way many online newspapers are being auto-generated today. Team
projects or course assignments generate rules for collection and assignment bots
perform the tasks of locating and presenting the content for users to manage and
disseminate in the appropriate way or form.
End-users - Integration with team members, especially from outside the corporate
infrastructure are expected. Sharing of corporate knowledge-based from within the
virtual workspace becomes critical. Extensive use of digital proxy/avatar with infusion
of real presentation of end-user.
Encompassing Technologies - At this stage, technologies focus on auto-generation of
virtual workspace content and structure. There is a sense of both time and persistence
within the environment.
4.6 Stage II vr - Involvement Stage
The Involvement Stage (Stage II vr ) describes the basic collaborative functionalities utilized in
virtual online sessions. Text chat, image depictions, including static slide presentations,
document viewers, and whiteboards are common collaborative tools incorporated early in
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