Database Reference
In-Depth Information
We can test whether our cluster is correctly set up with Spark by changing into the Spark
directory and running an example in the local mode:
>cd spark
>MASTER=local[2] ./bin/run-example SparkPi
You should see output similar to running the same command on your local computer:
14/01/30 20:20:21 INFO SparkContext: Job finished: reduce
at SparkPi.scala:35, took 0.864044012 s
Pi is roughly 3.14032
Now that we have an actual cluster with multiple nodes, we can test Spark in the cluster
mode. We can run the same example on the cluster, using our 1 slave node, by passing in
the master URL instead of the local version:
./bin/run-example SparkPi
Note that you will need to substitute the preceding master domain name with the correct
domain name for your specific cluster.
Again, the output should be similar to running the example locally; however, the log mes-
sages will show that your driver program has connected to the Spark master:
14/01/30 20:26:17 INFO client.Client$ClientActor:
Connecting to master
14/01/30 20:26:17 INFO cluster.SparkDeploySchedulerBackend:
Connected to Spark cluster with app ID
14/01/30 20:26:17 INFO client.Client$ClientActor: Executor
added: app-20140130202617-0001/0 on
( with 1
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