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Finally, we will use foreachRDD to compute the MSE and RMSE metrics for each
model and print them to the console:
// print out the MSE and RMSE metrics for each model
per batch
predsAndTrue.foreachRDD { (rdd, time) =>
val mse1 = { case (err1, err2) => err1 * err1
val rmse1 = math.sqrt(mse1)
val mse2 = { case (err1, err2) => err2 * err2
val rmse2 = math.sqrt(mse2)
|Time: $time
println(s"MSE current batch: Model 1: $mse1; Model 2:
println(s"RMSE current batch: Model 1: $rmse1; Model
2: $rmse2")
If you terminated the producer earlier, start it again by executing sbt run and selecting
StreamingModelProducer . Once the producer is running again, in your second ter-
minal window, execute sbt run and choose the main class for MonitoringStream-
ingModel .
You should see the streaming program startup, and after about 10 seconds, the first batch
will be processed, printing output similar to the following:
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