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The generateRandomArray function creates an array of the specified size where the
entries are randomly generated from a normal distribution. We will use this function ini-
tially to generate our known weight vector, w , which will be fixed throughout the life of
the producer. We will also create a random intercept value that will also be fixed. The
weight vector and intercept will be used to generate each data point in our stream:
/** Function to generate a normally distributed dense
vector */
def generateRandomArray(n: Int) = Array.tabulate(n)(_
=> random.nextGaussian())
// Generate a fixed random model weight vector
val w = new
val intercept = random.nextGaussian() * 10
We will also need a function to generate a specified number of random data points. Each
event is made up of a random feature vector and the target that we get from computing the
dot product of our known weight vector with the random feature vector and adding the
intercept value:
/** Generate a number of random data events*/
def generateNoisyData(n: Int) = {
(1 to n).map { i =>
val x = new
val y: Double =
val noisy = y + intercept
(noisy, x)
Finally, we will use code similar to our previous producer to instantiate a network connec-
tion and send a random number of data points (between 0 and 100) in text format over the
network each second:
// create a network producer
val listener = new ServerSocket(9999)
println("Listening on port: 9999")
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