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As we can see, this model predicts a rating of 3.12 for user 789 and movie 123 .
Note that you might see different results than those shown in this section because the ALS
model is initialized randomly. So, different runs of the model will lead to different solu-
The predict method can also take an RDD of (user, item) IDs as the input and
will generate predictions for each of these. We can use this method to make predictions
for many users and items at the same time.
To generate the top-K recommended items for a user, MatrixFactorizationModel
provides a convenience method called recommendProducts . This takes two argu-
ments: user and num , where user is the user ID, and num is the number of items to re-
It returns the top num items ranked in the order of the predicted score. Here, the scores are
computed as the dot product between the user-factor vector and each item-factor vector.
Let's generate the top 10 recommended items for user 789 :
val userId = 789
val K = 10
val topKRecs = model.recommendProducts(userId, K)
We now have a set of predicted ratings for each movie for user 789 . If we print this out,
we could inspect the top 10 recommendations for this user:
You should see the following output on your console:
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