Database Reference
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We will use Spark's MLlib library to train our model. Let's take a look at what methods
are available for us to use and what input is required. First, import the ALS model from
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
On the console, we can inspect the available methods on the ALS object using tab com-
pletion. Type in ALS. (note the dot) and then press the Tab key. You should see the auto-
completion of the methods:
asInstanceOf isInstanceOf main
toString train trainImplicit
The method we want to use is train . If we type ALS.train and hit Enter , we will get
an error. However, this error will tell us what the method signature looks like:
<console>:12: error: ambiguous reference to overloaded
both method train in object ALS of type (ratings:
rank: Int
, iterations:
and method train in object ALS of type (ratings:
rank: Int, iterations: Int, lambda:
match expected type ?
So, we can see that at a minimum, we need to provide the input arguments, ratings ,
rank , and iterations . The second method also requires an argument called lambda .
We'll cover these three shortly, but let's take a look at the ratings argument. First, let's
import the Rating class that it references and use a similar approach to find out what an
instance of Rating requires, by typing in Rating() and hitting Enter :
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