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Next, a standard SD card needs to be measured. Fortunately SD cards are all the
same: 2.2 mm x 24 mm x 32 mm:
Modeling the finger
Now that all the measurements have been taken, it is time to go to Blender. Start
a new scene; (De)select All ( A ) objects and Delete ( X ) them. Then save the scene
( Ctrl + S ) in a new directory under the Makerbot Blueprints directory called Ch4
SD Card Ring and name the project file as SD Card Ring .
Add ( Shift + A ) a cylinder. In the side bar to the left, change the options for
the cylinder. Change the value of Vertices to 64 so the cylinder is smoother
than default. Change the value of Radius to half the diameter of the
measured finger. Change the value of Depth to 10 :
Blender can take simple equations in these boxes, so instead of dividing
the diameter in half to get the radius, simply type the diameter followed
by /2 and it will divide it by 2 for you. So, in the preceding example,
typing 19.3/2 resulted in the value of Radius being shown.
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