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The Screw modifier options indicate that the rotation should be happening around
the z axis, but this rotation appears to be happening around the y axis instead. This
is because the rotation is happening around the object's z axis, not the world's z axis.
Objects have orientations independent of the world's orientation and often modifiers
use an object's orientation for their transformations. The plane that this object started
as was rotated 90 degrees around the x axis at the beginning, so it's personal z axis is
now oriented along the world's y axis. It is sometimes desirable, like in this case, to
apply an object's rotation to fix it's orientation to match the world's orientation:
Be sure Blender is in the Object Mode ( Tab ), not the Edit Mode .
In the Object Mode from the menu at the bottom of the 3D View panel
navigate to Object | Apply or press Ctrl + A .
Click on Rotation from the menu:
Now the object's orientation matches the world's orientation and the rotation
automatically spins around the z axis as desired.
But the rotation is still not quite right. The outline is rotating around the middle with
the nose out, when it should be nose in. The easiest thing to do is move all the points
until they rotate in the desired way:
Enter the Edit Mode ( Tab ).
Select all the points ( A ).
Grab/Move ( G ) and move them to the other side of the z axis.
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