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Move the pointer closer to the end of the handle, to slide the loop cut closer
to the end of the handle, but not overlapping the existing points.
Left-click to end the loop-cut operation.
Exit Edit Mode ( Tab ).
The top end of the handle is now blunter and will sit inside the mug better. Save the
work done so far before continuing further.
Shaping the body of the mug
Finishing the handle taught many operations and modifiers that will now be applied
to the mug body:
Begin by setting another save point (Press F2 , then Numpad + , and click on
Save As Blender File ).
Right-click to select the mug body or choose the mug body in the
Outliner panel.
Jump to the front view ( Numpad 1 ) and center and zoom ( Numpad . ) on the
mug body.
The border select operation is another way to quickly select multiple objects or, in
this case, points for editing. Like the circle select tool while in wireframe mode, the
border select tool selects all vertices that it surrounds, even if they're overlapping
other points on the screen. The following are the steps for border select operation:
Enter Edit Mode ( Tab ).
Clear the selection ( A ).
Select | Border Select or press B to begin the border select operation.
Hold left-button on mouse and move the pointer to draw a box around the
vertices at the top of the mug body.
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