Information Technology Reference
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Click on the Edit Profile button.
Most Windows users will see a prompt about opening a miracle.json file
Click on Select a program from a list of installed programs and then click
on OK . In the menu that comes up, find and click on Notepad and then OK .
Regardless of your system, JSON files are really just text so any
text editor will do the job.
10. Search for a line with infillDensity. .
11. Edit the number next to it to 0 .
12. Search for a line with numberOfShells .
13. Edit the number next to it to be 3 or 4 .
14. Search for a line with roofThickness and below that floorThickness options.
15. Edit the values next to them to both be 0 .
Save and close the file and return to MakerWare. Then click on the Export! button
and either save to an SD card or print over USB, as usual. The result will be the
model without a top or bottom suitable for a bracelet.
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