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Unfortunately this introduces a new problem. The lighter triangle that
appears is a new hole in the geometry. Apparently that edge was a part
of a face that wasn't covered by the other points. That will have to be fixed.
Loop select ( Alt + right-click on an edge) the hole.
Create a face ( F ) from the selection.
Merging the problem away
Another way to fix geometry problems like this is by using the Merge tool.
The illustrated section is another area identified as non-manifold.
1. Select one of the involved vertices that is at the bottom corner of the mesh.
2. Select the other five vertices one at a time with the right-click and holding the
Shift key.
Then Merge ( Alt + M ) and choose At First . The position of the first chosen
vertex will be where the selected points will be merged to.
The At First or At Last options do not appear and are not affected by
using Box Select or Circle Select . At least one point must be selected with
right-click for those options to appear. By using this option, more control
can be exerted over where the merged points will meet.
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