Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, a model captured from photographic data and processed by a
desktop application will be cleaned up for print using some new techniques and
tools. These techniques can be applied to more than just scanned images. Sometimes
even models made by hand suffer somewhat from bad geometry, and knowing these
techniques will help.
Downloading a 3D scanned file
Go to and click on the Download
This Thing! button. Download the CH8_LionCapture.obj file and choose to
save it in a new folder in the MakerbotBlueprints directory named as Ch . In
Windows this is accomplished, same as in previous chapters, by right-clicking
on the link and choosing Save link as... , navigating to Libraries | Documents |
MakerbotBlueprints , clicking on the New folder button, and naming the new folder
Ch 8 Scan Repair . Then double-clicking on the new directory and saving the file.
Trimming the fat
After the file is saved, open Blender, clear the scene, and save the scene in
Documents\MakerbotBlueprints\Ch 8 Scan Repair and name the file Lion
Cleanup.blend :
Import the file to be cleaned up by clicking on the menu options File | Import |
Wavefront (.obj) :
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