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In quad view the location of the pointer when using hot keys is more important
than ever:
As long as the mouse pointer is over any of the 3D views the number pad
keys will only adjust the upper-right User Persp view.
Using the middle-click will only free rotate the view point if the mouse pointer
starts over the upper-right view and will do nothing in the other views.
Zooming with the mouse wheel or the Numpad + and Numpad - keys only
zooms the view that the mouse pointer is over.
Panning the view ( Shift + middle-click ) only affects the view where the mouse
pointer was when it started.
Operators like Grab ( G ) and Rotate ( R ) operate according to the view that the mouse
pointer is over when the operation started. In other words if the grab operation is
begun while the mouse pointer is over the Right Ortho view then it will be locked to
the YZ plane. If the mouse pointer is over the Top Ortho view then it will be locked
to the XY plane.
To add some dimension to the model:
Select ( right-click ) the shoulders and Move ( G ) them back slightly along
the y axis.
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