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Like before, having a few other objects visible for reference will help with
this step. Be sure that the BoxExterior , BoxInterior , BoxBottom and Spinner
at least are all visible. Add ( Shift + A ) a cylinder. Make its Radius 2.4 , its
depth 5 , and move it along the z axis -6 . Name it BoxBottomPegHole .
Add ( Shift + A ) another cylinder with Radius 6 , Depth 3 , and move it along
the z axis -6 . Name it BoxBottomPegHolder .
Boolean Difference the BoxPegHole from the BoxBottomPegHolder .
Then select ( right-click ) the BoxBottom and Boolean Union the
BoxBottomPegHolder to it. Be careful to do these steps correctly or
there may end up a big hole through the bottom of the BoxBottom .
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