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If an attempt is made at this point to Boolean Difference the Numbers from the
Spinner it will be discovered that the Numbers are not available on the list of objects
that can be used. This is because the numbers are defined as curves and Boolean only
works with meshes. The numbers must first be converted to a mesh but in doing so
they will become uneditable except as a mesh with points and lines and faces.
In case a future edit is necessary, select ( right-click ) the Numbers and
Duplicate ( Shift + D ) them. Press Enter without moving the mouse to create
the duplicate on top of the original. Convert the duplicate to a mesh by
pressing Alt + C and selecting Mesh from Curve/Meta/Surf/Text .
Then select ( right-click ) the Spinner and add a Boolean modifier to Difference
the Numbers.001 object from the spinner.
Because the numbers were converted from a curve object, they are complex, so
this operation might take quite a while, and Blender may be unresponsive while
calculating and from time to time after this. If it ever needs to recalculate this
operation, which will be frequent. To prevent this it is best; once the operation
completes the first time, and it's known that the operation will work, to turn off
real-time rendering of this modifier by clicking on the eye icon in this modifier's
settings. This means that while the modifier will still be on the stack it will not be
active until it is turned back on.
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