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Hide the PegBody either by selecting ( right-click ), and using the hot key to
Hide ( H ) it or clicking the eye icon on the PegBody line in the Outliner view.
Select ( right-click ) the cube shape and add a Boolean modifier to it. Change
the operation to Intersect and select the PegBody .
There are only three types of Boolean operations with intersection being the
last one to be introduced. Boolean operations take two objects and combine
them in different ways. Union joins both of the shapes into one shape, which
was used on the Mini Mug and SD card holder ring. Difference, used earlier
in this blueprint and in the SD card holder, as well takes the second object
and subtracts its shape from the first one. Intersection produces a shape from
where the two shapes overlap. In this case the resulting shape was the shape
of the PegBody minus the top and bottom where the cube didn't go.
With Difference it is important, which object is being modified and which
object is being used as a parameter. If your difference object A from object B
the results will be very different than if you difference B from A. However,
with union and intersection, the order of the shapes doesn't matter. You can
add a Boolean modifier to either shape with the other one as a perimeter, and
the result will be exactly the same. In this case the cube was intersected with
the PegBody because the PegBody already had several modifiers on it and
the cube would have had no purpose but to be a parameter otherwise.
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