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As amusing as this can be, this is an undesired behavior. There are two options.
Either the Boolean operation can be applied before moving, or both objects can be
moved together. As the stated goal of this project was to not use the Apply button,
the choice is clear. Undo ( Ctrl + Z ) the move operators until the hole is where it
belongs, in SD Holder . Then unhide the SD Card object by clicking on its eye icon
in the Outliner view. Select both SD Holder and SD Card by right-clicking on
one, then holding Shift and right-clicking on the other. Then Grab/Move ( G ) and
move them both in the x axis ( X ) until they are at the front of the ring with the
ring intersecting SD Holder . Make sure there is a good connection here without
interfering with the finger hole.
Hide the SD Card object now that everything is in place. Select the ring and add
a Boolean modifier to union the ring and SD Holder together. Once the Boolean
modifier is added, Hide ( H ) SD Holder to make inspecting the new object easier.
Rotating the view, a blemish will be discovered. Inside the holder for the SD card,
the ring is invading the hole for the SD card. If it isn't clear, switch to the Wireframe
view ( Z ) and look at the ring in Front ( Numpad 1 ) orthographic view.
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