Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Mirroring the Front Deck
Because the front deck is similar to the back deck, you can mirror all the objects
that you've already worked hard to create to the back of the cabin, similar to the
way you did in the 2D section of the topic. Once the objects are in place, you can
edit them to meet the design criteria. Follow these steps to mirror the deck:
1. Freeze all the layers except A-DECK-3DOB and A-DECK-STRS-3DOB;
then thaw the A-WALL layer.
2. Click the face labeled TOP in the ViewCube to switch to a plan view of
the cabin.
3. In the Layer Properties Manager, click the open lock icon in the Lock
column next to A-WALL so that objects on the A-WALL layer can't be
selected or modified.
4. Select all the deck and step objects; then click the Mirror tool in the
expanded Modify panel.
5. For the first point of the mirror line, select the midpoint of the long
outside wall on the north side of the cabin, the wall that has the closet
attached to the inside of it.
For the second point, pick a point directly to the right. Press to
accept the default option not to delete the original objects. (See
Figure 16.68.)
FiGuRE 16.68 Mirroring the front deck
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