Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
11. Start the Extrude tool, and extrude each polyline 7 -5 (2260 mm).
12. Zoom out and switch to the X-Ray visual style. Your cabin should
look like Figure 16.45.
13. Save your drawing as 16A-3DMOD4.dwg .
FiGuRE 16.45 The cabin after the doors are in place
navigating with the ViewCube
Changing the viewpoint used to view your drawings is especially important in
a 3D environment because you are more likely to encounter a situation where
foreground objects obscure background objects. The ViewCube, the tool in the
upper-right corner of the drawing area, is used to access common views quickly,
return to a saved view, or navigate freely in the drawing area.
The ViewCube (see Figure 16.46) consists of a center cube with each face
labeled to identify the orthographic view that it represents. Clicking any of
these labeled faces changes the viewpoint in the drawing area to display the
objects from that point of view, based on the World Coordinate System (WCS).
For example, clicking the ViewCube face labeled TOP changes the drawing
area to display the cabin from the top, with the x-axis pointing to the right
and the y-axis pointing to the top of your screen.
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