Graphics Programs Reference
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Creating the Window Block-outs
As you might expect, making the window block-outs will be just like making the
doorway openings. The only difference is that the bottoms of the window open-
ings sit at a different height above the 2D floor plan. Here are the steps:
1. Using the same procedure as in the previous section, create the boxes
for all the window block-outs, with each box set to 3 -6 (1067 mm) tall.
TIP after you make the first window box, the default height for the BOX
command is the correct height for the remaining windows. When prompted
for the height, just press the spacebar or .
2. Change the thicknesses of the boxes so they overlap the thickness of
the outside walls. Your drawing should look like Figure 16.19.
FiGuRE 16.19 The drawing with all the block-outs in place
3. Save your drawing as 16A-3DMOD2.dwg .
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