Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
4. Press the down arrow on the keyboard to expose the context menu at
the cursor, and then click the Width option, as shown in Figure 16.13.
You can also start
command by enter-
ing PSOLID .
FiGuRE 16.13 Choosing the Width option from the context menu
Enter 4 ( 100 ) to change the width to 4 (100 mm).
5. Starting with the interior endpoint of the inside wall nearest to the
back door, draw the two walls that enclose the bathroom. Right-click
and choose Enter to terminate the command.
If you have trouble clicking the correct endpoints, temporarily freeze
the 3D-Walls-Ext layer, create the new wall, and then thaw the layer.
6. Press the spacebar to restart the command, and then draw the two
walls that surround the closet, starting at the endpoint that is far-
thest from the sliding glass door. Make sure that it is justified prop-
erly, and then zoom to the drawing's extents. Your drawing should
look similar to Figure 16.14.
Creating the Door and Window Block-outs
Before you add the geometry for the doors and windows, you must make the open-
ings in the walls. You accomplish this using the Boolean tools; the features used to
create a single object from the volumes of two overlapping objects, called operands .
There are three Boolean functions: union, subtraction, and intersection. Union
combines the two volumes, subtraction deletes one object and the overlapping vol-
ume shared with the other, and intersection deletes both objects, leaving only the
shared volume behind. For the doors and windows, you will make block-outs; that
is, you'll make solid boxes the size of the openings and then use the Subtract com-
mand to create the voids by removing the boxes as well as the volume they share
with the walls. The boxes act as block-outs—volumes that are to be deleted—and
their only function is to help delete part of the polysolid wall.
1. Make a new layer named A-DOOR-3DOB, and set it as the current layer.
Freeze the two A-WALL 3DOB layers, and thaw the A-GLAZ layer.
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