Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
3. The drawing you plotted displays in the Design Review Canvas (drawing
area) shown in Figure 15.28. This is an exact representation of what the
drawing would look like had you plotted it to a physical printer or plot-
ter attached to your computer.
FiGuRE 15.28 Viewing the plotted model space drawing using Autodesk
Design Review
4. Close Autodesk Design Review after you've used it to view the elec-
tronic plot of your drawing.
The versatility of .dwf iles extends well beyond the reach of this topic. To
summarize, the format provides a free way to communicate design information
with other project team members whether or not they have AutoCAD installed
on their machines. AutoCAD users can further harness the abilities of the .dwf
and .dwfx formats by publishing their designs to a three-dimensional DWF file.
Whether you choose to publish in 2D or 3D, the .dwf format was specifically
designed to interact with Autodesk products and provides an excellent alterna-
tive to the .pdf format, which often results in a much larger file size.
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