Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Plot options This group has eight check boxes that define how the plot is executed.
You'll explore many of these settings in more detail throughout this chapter. Here's a
brief description of what each setting does:
Plot in Background When this is checked, plots will process behind
the scenes, allowing you to continue working in your drawing. It may
be necessary to disable this setting if you're plotting larger, more
complicated drawings that take more system memory to process.
Plot object Lineweights Instead of using a plot-style table, the
Lineweight property assigned to layers and objects throughout
the drawing may be used to provide visual separation throughout
your drawing with this setting turned on.
Plot transparency Similar to the enabling or disabling the
Transparency drawing mode from the status bar, this toggles the
same property when plotting. You should keep this unchecked
unless you're specifically using transparency in your drawing
because it requires more memory to process even if you don't
have transparent objects in your drawing.
Plot with Plot Styles Enables the use of plot-style tables instead
of using the Lineweight property assigned. Instead, lineweight will
be determined based on object color when using .ctb pen tables,
and by plot styles when using .stb pen tables.
Plot Paperspace Last Paperspace being another name for layout
tabs, this will plot anything contained within a viewport, and then
it will plot objects drawn directly on the Layout tab last.
Hide Paperspace objects When working with 3D models, this con-
trols whether the HIDE command is applied to paperspace objects.
Plot Stamp on Plot stamps are used to include information such
as plot date, time, and the name of the person who created the plot.
Enabling this option will append this information per your specifi-
cation to your drawings.
Save Changes to Layout Changes made within the PLOT command
will also apply to the page setup for that layout.
Shaded Viewport options This group has settings to control the plot for ren-
derings and shaded views (not available in AutoCAD LT) and will be covered in
later chapters.
Plot-Style table (Pen Assignments) This is where the color and weight of line-
types are defined. Plot styles and pen assignments are discussed in the next sec-
tion of this chapter.
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