Graphics Programs Reference
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FiGuRE 15.3 The cabin drawing printed to Display
the Extents option
When you select the Extents option, AutoCAD tries to fill the sheet with all visi-
ble objects in the drawing. Choose the Extents option, and then click the Preview
button; the results will look similar to Figure 15.4.
This is closer to acceptable than the Display option, but it's not quite right.
The border is off center because the extents of the drawing begin at the lower-left
corner white area in paper space that represents the actual paper. This is a good
method to use if the border is not plotted or if there is no border at all. Be aware
that if any objects exist in paper space to the left or below the drawing area, they
will shift the beginning of the extents and reduce the amount of the actual draw-
ing area that is visible. Press the Esc key to return to the Plot dialog box.
the Limits option
Do you remember the drawing limits for the cabin drawing that you set in
Chapter 3, “Setting Up a Drawing”? As a refresher, perform the following steps:
1. Open the floor plan model file, 14A-FPLAY1.dwg , from the last chap-
ter or from the Chapter 15 download.
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