Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
6. Turn on the Dynamic Input tool in the status bar and, if necessary,
scroll the mouse wheel to zoom out to see the extents of the lines.
7. Enter -6,0 . Notice that since Dynamic Input is turned on, the @
symbol is no longer required to input relative coordinates.
8. Look at the command prompt. It reads: Specify next point or
[Close/Undo]: . Items enclosed in brackets are additional available
options at that particular point of the command that can be entered
at the command prompt. Only the capitalized letters are required to
execute an option.
9. Enter C to execute the Close option. Entering this letter after draw-
ing two or more lines closes the shape by extending the next line seg-
ment from the last point specified to the first point (see Figure 2.16).
It also ends the LINE command. Notice that in the command window
the prompt is Command: . This signifies that AutoCAD is ready for a
new command.
FiGuRE 2.16 The first four lines of the box
Erasing Lines
To prepare to draw the box again, use the ERASE command to erase the four
lines you just drew:
1. Start the ERASE command by choosing Home tab Modify panel
Erase tool. Notice how the cursor changes from the crosshair to a little
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