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the sheet and the sheet set. The difference is that sheet set properties
affect the entire drawing set (every drawing listed in the Sheet Set
Manager sheet list), and sheet properties affect only that one individ-
ual sheet. The difference between the two will become more apparent
the more you work with Sheet Set Manager.
You may recall that the sheet set name does not get plotted on a
drawing sheet. Instead, Sheet Set Manager will use a different Project
Name property on the individual drawings. This property is a sheet
set property, which means it affects the entire drawing set and will be
the same for every drawing in the entire set.
From the Sheet List palette in Sheet Set Manager, right-click on
My Cabin at the top of the sheet list and select Properties as shown in
Figure 14.34.
FiGuRE 14.34 Modifying the properties for the sheet set
13. The Sheet Set Properties - My Cabin dialog box opens to display prop-
erties common to the entire sheet set. Notice that the Project Name
property under the Project Control group is currently empty.
Click the Project Name property to make it active, and enter My Cabin
as the project name, as shown in Figure 14.35. This is the only change
you will make for now, so click OK when you're done.
You have now created a sheet set for your cabin project. Currently, the sheet
set includes only the collection of settings that tell AutoCAD how you would like
to create sheets and where those sheets should be stored. The next several exer-
cises will show you not only how to create new sheets using Sheet Set Manager,
but also how to add existing sheets to a sheet set.
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