Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
5. Open the External References palette from the View tab Palettes
panel External References Palette.
6. Right-click anywhere in the File References group of the External
References palette, and select Attach DWG. Then browse to and select
the 14A-BD8H11.dwg file you created earlier in this chapter.
The Attach External Reference dialog box opens; here you will con-
figure how your title block is referenced.
7. Using Figure 14.21 as a guide, set the Path Type to Relative Path, and
the Reference Type to Overlay. If Specify On-Screen is checked for
Scale, Insertion Point, or Rotation, uncheck it. Finally, make sure
the X, Y, and Z Scale is set to 1, the Insertion Point is 0,0,0, and the
Rotation Angle is 0. With these settings in place, click OK.
The title block is referenced into the DWFX-8H11 layout tab.
FiGuRE 14.21 Attaching the title block as an external reference
8. Save the current drawing template (keeping its 14A-BDTPLT.dwt file-
name). Your sheet template should look like Figure 14.22.
With the title block inserted into your sheet template, all that's left to do is insert
the sheet information block. As you may recall, this block was created with several
fields embedded as the default value for the block attributes. Many of these tie into
Sheet Set Manager, a feature you'll learn about later in this chapter, but the Drawn
By attribute pulls its value from the drawing file properties. In addition to inserting
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