Graphics Programs Reference
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a t t a C h M e n t a n d o v e r l a y : W h a t ' s t h e d I F F e r e n C e ? (Continued)
the Attachment Reference type
When an xref Reference Type is set to Attachment, that reference always
remains. Although PENTAGON.DWG was never referenced into TRIANGLE
.DWG , the objects within it still display. In this scenario, PENTAGON.DWG
is a nested external reference. That is to say PENTAGON.DWG displays in
TRIANGLE.DWG because it was attached to SQUARE.DWG , and it will be a
nested reference in any drawing into which SQUARE.DWG is referenced.
Beware of Circular References
A danger of using the Attachment reference type is the potential for circular
references. In the previous example, PENTAGON.DWG is attached to SQUARE
.DWG , and SQUARE.DWG is attached to TRIANGLE.DWG . This means that
PENTAGON.DWG is a nested reference inside TRIANGLE.DWG . Because the
Attachment reference type was used, you cannot reference TRIANGLE.DWG
into SQUARE.DWG or PENTAGON.DWG without creating a circular reference.
A circular reference occurs when a drawing contains a sequence of nested
references that refer back to itself. Because everything to the left is a nested
reference, the reference sequence PENTAGON.DWG SQUARE.DWG
TRIANGLE.DWG PENTAGON.DWG is a circular reference.
For this reason, I recommend that you always default to the Overlay reference
type unless you have a very specific reason to use the Attachment reference type.
Using the Overlay reference type will allow you to create references between
any drawings without worrying about circular references.
organizing the Drawing objects
The attached xref appears exactly as it did when it was the current drawing. The
drawing is cluttered now, and when you use this file as part of a site plan, or part
of the cabin drawing, you don't want all the information to be visible. In fact, you
want most of the information to be invisible. You'll ultimately accomplish this
by freezing many of the layers in the drawing viewports, as explained in the next
chapter. For now, you'll just move the elevations and notes out of the site area
using a layer state to return to the current layer configuration. Here's how:
1. Expand the Layer State drop-down list from the Layers panel on the
Home tab, and select Manage Layer States (see Figure 13.16).
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