Graphics Programs Reference
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FiGuRE 12.56 The result of zooming into the upper-left side of the floor plan
2. Select the 3 -0 (915 mm) window dimension. Its grips appear.
3. Click the grip on the right arrowhead to activate it.
4. Move the cursor down until the dimension text is just below the roof-
line. Click again to fix it there.
5. Click the grip that's on the text and, with Polar Tracking on, move the
text to the right, outside of the extension line; then click to place it.
Press Esc to deselect the dimension (see Figure 12.57).
FiGuRE 12.57 Moving the window dimension and dimension text with grips
6. Select either of the leader lines pointing to the two windows. The leaders,
landing, and leader text ghost and the grips appear.
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