Graphics Programs Reference
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Fillet this corner
with a 5 -0 radius
Draw this line
FiGuRE 12.32 The right end of the cabin after some temporary changes
are implemented
using Radial Dimensions
On the drop-down menu on the left side of the Dimensions panel are icons for
the Radius, Diameter, and Arc Length dimensions. They all operate the same
way and are controlled by the same settings.
Adding a Radius Dimension
Follow these steps to place a radius dimension at the filleted corner, measuring
the distance from the curve to the center point:
1. Click the Osnap button on the status bar to disable any running
osnaps temporarily.
2. Click the arrow below the Linear button on the Annotate tab
Dimensions panel, and then click the Radius button to start the
DIMRADIUS command.
3. Click the inside filleted corner well above the midpoint. The radius
dimension appears, and the text is attached to the cursor. Where you
pick on the curve determines the angle of the radius dimension (see
Figure 12.33).
4. Click to place the radius text in the dimension. The “R” prefix indi-
cates that this is a radial dimension.
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