Graphics Programs Reference
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and hatches, there are also command icons. These are placed on the palette in a
slightly different way from blocks and hatches:
1. Right-click the Cabin Hatches palette in a blank area, and choose
New Palette from the context menu.
2. Name the new palette Commands .
3. Use the Zoom and Pan tools to bring the kitchen floor plan into view.
4. Click to select a single wall line, and then drag it to the palette just as
you dragged the hatches in the previous section.
This adds the A-WALL line to the Commands tool palette with the
rather ambiguous name “Line.”
4. Right click on the Line tool you just added to the Commands palette,
and choose Properties.
5. From the Tool Properties dialog box, enter A-WALL for the name, and
enter Creates a new wall object on the A-WALL layer as the description
(see Figure 11.33).
FiGuRE 11.33 Changing the name and description for the A-WALL
command tool
6. Repeat the process outlined in steps 4 through 6 to drag several
additional objects of various kinds onto the Commands palette (see
Figure 11.34).
When you need to use one of these commands, click the icon on
the palette.
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