Graphics Programs Reference
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FiGuRE 9.38 The front deck after the REGENALL command is issued
the default com-
mand alias for the
mand is REA , and
RE for the REGEN
5. You don't want the deck at this larger size, so click the Undo button
in the Quick Access toolbar or press U until your drawing is in the
state it was just before the STRETCH command was executed.
6. The visibility of the attributes, as you defined them in the Attribute
Definition dialog box, is called their normal state.
To return them to this state, click the down arrow next to the
Display All button on the Attributes panel within the Insert tab, and
then click Retain Display (see Figure 9.39). Alternatively, those using
the menu bar can choose View Display Attribute Display
Normal from the menu bar.
FiGuRE 9.39 Returning the attribute display to normal
7. All the attributes return to their normal state (see Figure 9.40). Save
this drawing as 09A-FPLAY2.dwg .
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