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time you start to place text in the drawing. This is the recommended way to oper-
ate for the top two boxes because it will give consistency to the text even when
heights vary. You might try several fonts and then come back to this technique
at the end. I also recommend you use a relatively simple font for the text in the
Drawn By and Date boxes.
Try these fonts:
or romanc.shx
Any of the swis721 series
Times New Roman
CityBlueprint or CountryBlueprint
In the top two boxes, you can center the text vertically and horizontally if
you draw a line diagonally across the box. Choose Middle Center as a justifica-
tion for the text, and use the Midpoint osnap to snap to the diagonal line when
you start the text. For the Drawn By and Date boxes, centering the text hori-
zontally isn't advisable because the label text already in the boxes takes up too
much space. However, you can use the diagonal line to center it and then move
the text to the right until it makes a good it. Using Polar Tracking will keep the
new text vertically centered.
Be careful in your use of running osnaps as you position text. If you're eyeball-
ing the final location, it's best to have no running osnaps. On the other hand, if
you're precisely locating justification points by snapping to lines and other objects,
you might try having the following osnaps running: Endpoint, Intersection,
Perpendicular, and Insertion, with Midpoint optional. When you finish, your title
block should look something like Figure 8.50.
If you're going to design your own company title block, be ready to spend a lit-
tle time setting it up and deciding which fonts will give the look that best reflects
the image you want to project. You can then use this title block on all your sub-
sequent projects.
Use Zoom to Extents, and then zoom out a little to view the entire drawing.
Save this drawing (see Figure 8.51) as 08A-FPLAY2.dwg .
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