Graphics Programs Reference
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FiGuRE 8.43 Building the title block: the left edge (top), the horizontal lines (middle),
and the last line trimmed (bottom)
Putting text in the title Block
The title block has five boxes that will each contain distinct pieces of informa-
tion. The large one at the top will contain the name of the project. Below that
will be the name of the company producing the drawing—your company. (If you
don't have a company name, make one up.) Below that on the left will be the ini-
tials of the person (you) who drew this drawing, and below that will be the date.
In the lower-right corner will be the sheet number, in case more than one sheet
is required for this project. This follows a standard format. Most title block lay-
outs contain this information and more, depending on the complexity of the job.
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