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FiGuRE 8.35 The justification points on a line of text
Finishing the Grid
To finish the grid, you need to copy the grid circle and its text to each grid line
and then change the text:
1. Make sure Object Snap is turned on, and enable the Endpoint and
Quadrant osnaps.
2. At the command prompt, select both the letter A and the circle.
Grips appear: two for the text, one at the original justification
point and one at the new justification point; one at the center of
the circle; and one at each of the circle's quadrant points.
3. Right-click, and choose Copy Selection from the context menu, and
pick the upper endpoint of the grid with the A as the base point.
4. Pick the top end of each vertical grid line; then right-click and choose
Enter to terminate the command (see Figure 8.36).
FiGuRE 8.36 The grid circle and letter are copied to the top of all three
vertical lines.
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