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Synchronizing Annotative text Scale Positions
Use the following procedure to move the 3 16 = 1 -0 LIVING ROOM text to the
same location as the ¼ = 1 -0 LIVING ROOM text:
1. Change the annotation scale back to ¼ = 1 -0 using the Annotation
Scale menu on the status bar.
The LIVING ROOM text moves to its correct location on the screen.
2. Select the LIVING ROOM text.
A blue grip appears at the insertion point of the ¼ = 1 -0 text, and
the location of the 3 16 - 1 -0 text is shown ghosted (see Figure 8.21).
FiGuRE 8.21 Selected LIVING ROOM text displaying its multiple
annotation scales
3. With the LIVING ROOM text still selected, right-click and choose
Annotative Object Scale Synchronize Multiple-Scale Positions
from the contextual menu shown in Figure 8.22.
4. Change the annotation scale to 3 16 = 1 -0 using the Annotation
Scale menu on the status bar.
Using the Synchronize Multiple-Scale Positions tool, move
the 3 16 = 1 -0 LIVING ROOM text so that it and the ¼ = 1 -0 text
share the same insertion point (see Figure 8.23).
5. Save your drawing as 08A-FPLAY1.dwg .
As you've seen, you have a couple of options when positioning text in a drawing.
Annotative text is easier to size than standard text; however, using the grip at the
insertion point may cause undesired results. When working with annotative text,
the better choice is the MOVE command, although the Synchronize Multiple-
Scale Positions option will help correct text placement if you erroneously use
the insertion-point grip. Using the grip at the insertion point may be quick and
easy, but it may also achieve an undesired result if used on annotative text.
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