Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
All the possible justification points appear in the prompt, as shown
in Figure 8.9.
9. Enter C to choose Center as the justification.
10. Use the Shift+right-click menu to choose the Intersection osnap, and
pick the intersection of the guideline and the offset line.
11. At the Specify rotation angle of text prompt, press to accept the default
angle of 0º, or enter 0 if 0º is not the default.
A flashing I-shaped cursor superimposed over a narrow box appears
at the intersection (see Figure 8.10).
FiGuRE 8.9 The single-line text justification options
FiGuRE 8.10 The text cursor sits on the guidelines.
12. With Caps Lock on, enter FLOOR PLAN .
The text is centered at the intersection as you enter it, and the cur-
sor moves down to allow you to enter another line (see the left image
in Figure 8.11).
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