Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
4. Dock the DesignCenter on the left side of the drawing area if it's not
already there, and then zoom into the back door area of the drawing
(see Figure 7.56). The Endpoint osnap should be running.
FiGuRE 7.56 Zoomed into the back door area with the DesignCenter docked
5. In the DesignCenter, click and drag A-DOOR-36IN from the list to the
drawing, and continue to hold the left mouse button down after the
block appears at the cursor.
As the cursor comes onto the drawing, the A-DOOR-36IN block
appears. Use the Endpoint osnap to locate the block at the opening,
as you did earlier in this chapter (see Figure 7.57).
6. Click the Close icon in the upper-right corner of the DesignCenter to
close it.
You can also right-
click and drag a
block from the
DesignCenter into
the current drawing.
If you do this, a con-
text menu appears;
click Insert Block.
this opens the Insert
dialog box, and you
can complete the
insertion procedure.
7. Keep your new drawing open in case you want to use it in the first
few practice exercises at the end of this chapter. Otherwise, close it
without saving it.
By doing this insertion, you've made the A-DOOR-36IN block a part of your
new drawing, and you can reinsert it in that drawing without the DesignCenter.
At the top of the DesignCenter window, the buttons on the left are tools for navi-
gating through drives and folders to find the files you need to access; the buttons
on the right give you options for viewing the named objects in the window.
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