Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
3. At the Specify base point: prompt, click anywhere in the drawing
area. Clicking near the block that you are moving will keep everything
visually compact.
4. Move the cursor directly to the right. At the Specify second point or
<use first point as displacement>: prompt, enter 12' ( 3659 ), as
shown in Figure 7.36, and press again to terminate the COPY command.
The window is copied 12 -0 (3659 mm) to the right.
FiGuRE 7.36 Copying the kitchen window 12 to the right
5. Select the new window block, right-click, and then choose Properties
from the context menu to open the Properties palette.
6. In the Geometry rollout, locate the Scale X parameter and change its
value to 6 , as shown in Figure 7.37.
7. The window in the living room is now 6 -0 (1830 mm) wide. Close
the Properties palette, and press Esc to deselect the new window.
As you've seen, you can change many of an object's parameters, including the
scale factors for a block definition, using the Properties palette.
Finishing the Windows
The last two windows to insert are both in the bottom wall, one in the living
room and one in the bathroom. You'll use skills you've already developed to
place them:
1. Use the Zoom and Pan tools to adjust your view of the drawing down
to the bottom wall between the front wall and the hot tub.
This window is 5 -0 (1525 mm) wide, and its insertion point is
7 -0 (2134 mm) (4 -0 + 2 -0 ) (1372 mm + 762 mm) from the pop-
out for the hot tub.
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