Graphics Programs Reference
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8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 to apply a Radius constraint on the front-left
burner. When prompted for the radius, enter rad1+1 ( rad1+25 ).
Figure 5.58 shows the result.
FiGuRE 5.58 Fully constrained stove
Much as formulas can reference the value of other cells in Microsoft
Excel, dimensional constraints can reference other dimensional con-
straints. In this example, you referenced a constraint applied to the
front-right burner by entering its name (rad1). The expression rad1+1 is
actually a mathematical expression telling AutoCAD to gather the value
of rad1 (3 ½ ), and add 1 to it for a total radius of 4 ½ (114 mm).
9. Save your file as 05A-FPLAY6.dwg .
Drawing the Kitchen Sink
In this section, you'll draw a double sink with one basin larger than the other
(see Figure 5.59). You'll use OFFSET , FILLET , and TRIM to create the sink from
the counter and wall lines.
1. Make sure 05A-FPLAY6.dwg is open and zoom into the sink area,
keeping the edges of the refrigerator and stove in view.
2. Create the top and bottom edges by using the OFFSET command.
a. Offset the inside wall line 2 ½ ( 64 mm ) down.
b. Restart the OFFSET command, and offset the inside wall line
1 8 ( 508 mm ) down.
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