Graphics Programs Reference
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7. Use the Perpendicular object snap to draw to the edge of the threshold
perpendicular to the outside wall.
8. Press to end the LINE command. The back threshold should look
like Figure 5.10.
9. Use the ZOOM EXTENTS command to view the completed front and
back thresholds with the whole floor plan.
When you drew the first threshold, this exercise may have seemed complicated,
but it was probably easier when you drew the second one. Like many techniques
available in AutoCAD, these methods will become second nature with a little prac-
tice, and you'll use them more efficiently. In the next exercise, you will draw the
cabin's front deck and stairs, and then you'll use the existing geometry to draw
the back deck and stairs.
FiGuRE 5.10 The completed back threshold
Drawing the Decks and Stairs
The decks consist of the platform, posts, railings, and a set of stairs. You'll
begin by drawing polylines for the perimeter to facilitate the drawing of the rail-
ing lines using the OFFSET command; then you'll continue the construction
using lines and the OFFSET and TRIM commands. You will also begin using the
Temporary Track Point osnap, an option with the Object Snap Tracking tool.
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