Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
A Closer Look at Dynamic input
The kind of information shown in dynamic display is similar to that shown in the
command window, and the intent of this feature is to keep your eyes on the screen
as much as possible. The specific information displayed depends, as it does on the
command line, on what you're doing at the time. It's controlled by several settings
that you access by right-clicking the Dynamic Input button on the status bar and
selecting Settings from the context menu. This opens the Drafting Settings dia-
log box with the Dynamic Input tab activated (see Figure 3.18).
FiGuRE 3.18 The Dynamic Input tab of the Drafting Settings dialog box
This tab has three check boxes (two at the top and one near the middle on the
right) and three buttons to open three feature-specific Settings dialog boxes. To
make the dynamic input conform to what is shown in the topic, do the following:
1. Make sure all three check boxes are selected.
2. In the Pointer Input area, click the Settings button to open the Pointer
Input Settings dialog box (see Figure 3.19). In the Format area, the
Polar Format and Relative Coordinates radio buttons should be selected.
Click OK.
3. In the Dimension Input area, click the Settings button to open the
Dimension Input Settings dialog box (see Figure 3.20).
4. Make sure the Show 2 Dimension Input Fields At A Time radio button
is selected and then click OK.
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