Graphics Programs Reference
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default and are usually left at that setting. You need to change only the coordinates
for the upper-right corner and change the settings so that the grid is displayed
only within the limits:
1. Make sure the command window displays the Command: prompt;
then enter LIMITS . Notice how the command window has changed,
as shown in Figure 3.10.
FiGuRE 3.10 The command window after starting the LIMITS command
The bottom command line tells you that the first step is to decide
whether to change the default x- and y-coordinates for the lower-left
limits, both of which are currently set at 0'-0”,0'-0” ( 0,0 ). There is
no need to change these.
2. Press to accept the 0'-0”,0'-0” ( 0,0 ) coordinates for this corner.
The bottom command line changes and now displays the coordinates
for the upper-right corner of the limits. This is the setting you want
to change.
3. Enter 60',40' ( 18000,12000 ) . Be sure to include the foot sign ( ' ).
NOTE autoCaD requires that, when using architectural units, you
always indicate that a distance is measured in feet by using the foot sign ( ).
You don't have to use the inch sign ( ) to indicate inches.
4. To bring the entire area defined by the drawing limits onto the
screen, use the ZOOM command again, but this time use the All
option. From the View tab Navigate panel, click the down arrow
next to the Zoom tool and then click the All option, or enter Z A .
The All option zooms the view to display all the objects in the draw-
ing or, in a blank drawing, zooms to the limits. The drawing area
expands to display the drawing limits, and the grid changes appear-
ance to accommodate the new view.
5. Right-click on the Grid Display button on the status bar and click
Settings to open the Drafting Settings dialog box.
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