Biology Reference
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Expression and transgenic phenotype
Function and target genes
significantly reduced SW thickening in
PtMYB1 & PtMYB8;
Pinus taeda
Both expressed preferentially in shoot and
root SX. OE of both genes in spruce leads
to ectopic secondary cell wall deposition
together with significant increases in
lignin content.
Both are activators of secondary
growth. Both induce in spruce PAL,
4CL, HCT and COMT.
Bomal et al. (2008) ,
G ´mez-
Maldonado et al.
PttMYB21a; P. tremula,
L. tremuloides
Highly expressed in SW formation zone of
xylem and phloem fibres. Antisense
hybrid aspen plants showed reduced
growth and had fewer internodes. Acid
soluble lignin present in the bark was
higher in transgenic lines.
Transcriptional repressor. No changes
were observed in the transcript levels
of PAL, CAD, C4H, 4CL and
COMT except the CCoAOMT
transcript, which was higher in the
phloem of transgenic line (but not in
Karpinska et al.
AtMYB103; A. thaliana
High level of expression in IF and xylem
cells undergoing SW thickening. OE
increased SW thickening in fibres. DR
significantly reduced SW thickening in
fibre cells. Upregulated in SND2 OE
Regulator of SW biosynthesis. Induce
SWbiosynthetic genes. Direct targets
of SND1 and its close homologs
NST1, NST2, VND6 and VND7.
Zhong et al. (2008)
AtMYB54 & AtMYB52;
A. thaliana
High level of expression in IF and xylem
cells undergoing SW thickening. DR
significantly reduced SW thickening in
fibre cells.
Regulator of SW biosynthesis. Induce
SW biosynthetic genes. Both are
directly regulated by AtMYB46.
Zhong et al. (2008)
AtMYB69; A. thaliana
High level of expression in IF and xylem
cells undergoing SW thickening. DR
significantly reduced SW thickening in
fibre cells.
Regulator of SW biosynthesis.
Zhong et al. (2008)
AtMYB43 & AtMYB42;
A. thaliana
High level of expression in IF and xylem
cells undergoing SW thickening.
Regulator of SW biosynthesis. Direct
target of SND1 and AtMYB46.
Zhong et al. (2008)
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