Biology Reference
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Expression and transgenic phenotype
Function and target genes
TaMYB4; T. aestivum
Highly expressed in stems and root tissues.
OE in tobacco shows decrease of total
lignin but increase in S/G ratio. Also
increases the total flavonoid content.
Negative regulator of the lignin
pathway. Downregulates CCR and
Ma et al. (2011)
PvMYB4; P. virgatum
Highest expression in vascular bundles of
leaves and sheaths. OE in transgenic
switchgrass resulted in reduced lignin
content and ester-linked p-coumaric acid/
ferulic acid ratio.
Repressor of monolignol pathway.
Binds to the AC-I, AC-II and AC-III
elements of monolignol pathway
genes and downregulates these genes
in vivo.
Shen et al. (2012)
A. thaliana
Expressed in young emerging leaf tissue/
primordial. Activation tagging mutant
increases lignin- and wall-bound
hydroxycinnamic esters, flavonols and
Activator of phenylpropanoid genes.
Enhance expression of PAL,
chalcone synthase (CHS), DFR and
glutathione transferase (GST).
Borevitz et al.
(2000) , Tohge
et al. (2005)
A. thaliana
KO mutant increases cell wall thickness in
xylary and IF. Upregulates lignin
biosynthesis, cellulose deposition and SW
modifying enzymes.
Repressor of the lignin branch of the
phenylpropanoid. Interacts with
KNAT7. In KO-lines, increases
expression for lignin genes (PAL,
and also CesA4, CesA7, Cesa8,
IRX8 and IRX9.
Bhargava et al.
AtWRKY12; A. thaliana
Expressed in pith and cortex of stems, but
not in roots. KO mutant shows SW
thickening only in pith associated with
ectopic deposition of lignin, xylan and
cellulose (50% increase of biomass).
Negative regulator of SW. Direct
binding of NAC (NST2) Cys3His
zing finger.
Wang et al. (2010)
NtLIM1; N. benthamiana
Transgenic tobacco and E. camaldulensis
plants carrying an antisense NtLIM1
showed a reduction of 27-29% of their
lignin content.
Binds to the PAL-box motif of the
promoter of a horseradish C2
peroxidase (prxC2) gene. Decreases
expression of PAL and 4CL.
Kaothien et al.
(2002) , Kawaoka
and Ebinuma
(2001) , Kawaoka
et al. (2000; 2007)
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