Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Consolidating Every Link
in the Food Chain
One of the Reagan administration's lasting legacies is the dismantling of the regulatory system for ensuring
fair and competitive markets. Since that time the failure to stop massive consolidation has allowed a handful
of companies to control the entire food chain—from seeds, fertilizer, and implements to processing, distri-
bution, and retail grocery chains. The largest twenty food companies exert tremendous control over food and
farming, as both buyers of ingredients and sellers of product. In every subsector—from dairy products and
beef to potato chips, soup, and canned vegetables—a small number of companies completely dominates the
marketplace. The retail sector is even more amalgamated, with Walmart and three other large retail chains
controlling 70 percent to 90 percent of the market in many regions of the country. Reversing this corporate
tyranny and concentration is critical for creating a fair and sustainable food system.
Top 20 U.S. Food Companies
and Their Brands
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