Game Development Reference
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Figure 2-6 . Name the project InvinciBagel, and leave the other settings as they are
It is usually a good idea to let NetBeans 8.0 do things for you. As you can see,
NetBeans creates the logical C:\Users\user\My Docu-
ments\NetBeansProjects folder in your user folder and My Documents sub-
folder for the Project Location data field.
For your Project Folder data field, NetBeans again logically creates a subfolder
named InvinciBagel , below the NetBeansProjects folder, just like you would do your-
For the JavaFX Platform drop-down menu, NetBeans 8.0 defaults to the very latest
JDK 8, which is also known as JDK 1.8, and has the latest JavaFX 8 (which was sup-
posed to be JavaFX 3.0).
Because you are not creating multiple applications that will share libraries, leave
the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries check box unchecked . Finally, select
Create Application Class, which will be named InvinciBagel and will be in the in-
vincibagel package; for the reason, the complete path and class name will be as fol-
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